Class K01 Homework for the week of March 9th

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01?  (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS)   Student Led Conferences/Report Cards Thursday March 5th.  Children must attend conferences with parents. Sight word checklist 1-4 (for students who have not mastered levels 1-4). Review all letter sounds using Fundations chart (for students who have not mastered letters/sounds)

Class K01 Homework for the week of January 21st

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01?  (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS)     No School Monday 1/20/20 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  New word list distributed. Study at leisure. Many of these words appear in texts students are tested on. (Keep home!) Trip to Queens College on Thursday 1/23/20. Please pack a lunch and extra snack.

Class K01 Homework for the week of December 9th

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01?  (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS) Formal Reading Assessments being conducted this week. PLEASE DO NOT BE ABSENT or LATE! Trip to Queens College: Consent Forms and Payment of  $10 due 12/20/19!

Class K01 Homework for the week of November 25th

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01?  (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS) Homework is due on the day it is assigned!!! Trip November 25th to Queens College for RESPECT FOR ALL show. Please pack a lunch and extra snack! Imagine Learning Students: Log on at least 2X a week READING A-Z site. Log in at least 1x weekly.

Class K01 Homework for the week of November 4th

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01? (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS)   Homework is due on the day it is assigned.   School Led Conferences/Report Cards on Thursday 11/14. Please sigh and return appointment request forms.   Next trip: November 25th to Queens College for RESPECT FOR ALL show. Cost $9 due 11/15/19   Thank you to all parents

Class K01 Homework for the week of October 28th

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01? (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS)     Students who did not master all words will not receive new words, but will receive a study sheet instead.  Homework is due on the day it is assigned. CHARACTER DAY: Friday 10/31 Dress up as your favorite character from a book!  

Class K01 Homework for the week of October 21st

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN K01? (NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS)     Students who did not master all words will not receive new words, but will receive a study sheet instead.  Homework is due on the day it is assigned. Trip to Green Meadows Farm  on Monday, October 21st. Bring a packed lunch and extra snack! Chaperones arrive

Class K01 Homework for the week of April 8th

Please answer questions on HW in complete sentences. Ladybugs and Iguanas (For bolded words- find a synonym (same meaning) for the bolded words! Log into Literacy Pro Accounts and complete assignments if applicable HW is due on day it is assigned! Late or incomplete HW receives a 1. Sight word/Letter Weekly Assessments (Return on Friday!)

Class K01 Homework for the week of March 29

Please answer questions on HW in complete sentences. Ladybugs and Iguanas (For bolded words- find a synonym (same meaning) for the bolded words! Please sign and return all homework daily (check front and back of pages) HW is due on day it is assigned! Late or incomplete HW receives a 1. Sight word/Letter Weekly Assessments

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