Arrival and Dismissal

Dear Parents/ Guardians, Good afternoon to you and your family. As you are aware, at The STEAM Bridge School, “Safety is our number one priority.” This means that our obligation is to assess our current safety protocols, make updated recommendations and implement them as we proceed on an ongoing basis during the school year. Download

Family Letter- Feb 04,2022

This Family Update provides important information about our latest health and safety policies. These policies will take effect on Monday, February 7, 2022. COVID-19 Testing Increased In-School COVID-19 Testing In anticipation of the Midwinter Break, we are increasing the number of students who will be included in the city’s in-school random surveillance testing program. Beginning

SLT Meeting

This month’s SLT meeting will take place on December 14th, please be sure to join us. The information can be found below. Topic: SLT Meeting Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 848 3217 6341 Passcode: 111111 One tap mobile +16465588656,,84832176341#,,,,*111111# US (New York) +13126266799,,84832176341#,,,,*111111# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US

December Saturday Social

Our monthly Saturday social returns this month. Be sure to join us this month. Zoom information is listed below Topic: Saturday SocialTime: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom MeetingMeeting Link Meeting ID: 836 5319 4844Passcode: 111111One tap mobile

Kindergarten Registration

Beginning Wednesday, December 8th, children born in 2017 can apply to kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year. The application deadline is Tuesday, January 18, 2022. All families who apply by the deadline will receive a kindergarten offer in April. All families should participate in kindergarten admissions, including children currently attending pre-K, students with disabilities, English Language

Message from our Chancellor

Dear Families, Since March, I have had the honor of a lifetime to serve as Chancellor for the incredible schools, educators, communities, families and most importantly, your children who make up the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE). Today, I am sharing the bittersweet news that I will be stepping down from my role

Important Updates

Dear Families: None of us ever imagined what COVID-19 would bring: the closure of public school buildings, remote teaching and learning from home, and distancing from each other to remain safe.

Health Insurance

As we work through these challenging times together, NY State of Health is committed to ensuring access to affordable, quality health insurance for all New Yorkers so they can get the care they need during this state of emergency


March 31, 2020 Dear P.S. 481, The STEAM Bridge School Parent/Guardian: As you know, the health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Much has changed very rapidly with respect to COVID-19 in our school community and citywide. School buildings are now closed to students until April 20, 2020, and remote

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